Flagler High Speed 20 Ga. Button Lock

Flagler 20 Ga. Standard Pittsburgh

Roll Forming Machines


Capacity: 20 to 30 Gauge

Depth of Pocket: 1/2″ Pocket

Speed: Approx. 100 feet per minute.

Motor: 5 HP 230/460/3/60/1800 RPM.

Drive: Double Matched Vee Belt.

Base: Arc Welded Steel. Heavy top plate.

Dimensions: 68″ long, 24″ wide, 42″ high, Feed table height 35 1/8″

Shipping Weight: Approximately 1000 pounds.

Exclusive dial adjustment for instant changing for all gauges 20-30

Replaceable toll bits for the Male Button Lock

Split Shear Roll assembly on Male Button Lock can be resharpened and features multiple keyways for new shear points.

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